Executive Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resources Management
Location: Mumbai
School: School of Management and Labour Studies
Centre: Centre for Human Resources Management and Labour Relations
Intake: 50
Medium of Instruction: English
I. For applying this Programme applicants should have completed their Bachelor’s Degree of minimum of 3 years duration or its equivalent ( under the 10+2+3 OR 10+2+4 OR 10+2+2+1 year bridge course pattern of study OR any other pattern fulilling the mandatory requirements of 15 Years formal education) from a recognised university, in any discipline AND
II. Having at least 3 Years of work experience after graduation as on August, 2024 in managerial or supervisory category, preferably in personnel/administration department
Last Date for applying Online | 25th November, 2024 |
Written Test and Personal Interview |
7th December, 2024 (Saturday) |
Announcement of Selection on TISS Website | 19th December, 2024 |
Last date for making the payment | 3rd January, 2025 |
Commencement of Academic Session (2024-26) | 11th January, 2025 |
This is Eighteen month part-time professional programme of instruction and training leading to the award of Executive Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resources Management (EPGDHRM) for working professionals whose careers are otherwise blocked for want of a suitable professional qualiication. It will be found useful by those who seek careers at executive and managerial levels in HR/Personnel Departments of industrial organisations.
Who Should Apply?
The course is specially designed for working professionals who wish to get professional qualifications in the area of Human Resources Management (HRM) & Labour Relations (LR).
Objective of the Programme
The objective of this programme is to bring the best of theory and practice to the participants so that they acquire a wholesome mix of a business orientation with an understanding of HR best practices grounded in social realities.
The Executive Programme is designed to develop Executives into professionally competent and socially sensitive management graduates, fully equipped to take on the challenges of the business world.
In other words, we hope that at the end of this programme participants must be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to handle signiicantly higher responsibilities in their organizations than what they started of with.
Key Features of the Programme
Saturdays : 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Sundays : 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
The classes will be held at the Institute premises (Mumbai Campus) every weekend except on
public holidays.
Those satisfying the eligibility requirement will be called for the Written Test and Personal Interview by the Selection Committee. The list of selected candidates will be notified on the institute Notice Board and the Institute Website (http://www.tiss.edu). The Institute will not take responsibility for informing the selected candidates by post. Candidates may make inquires on TISS Helpline: 2552 5252 / 2552 5253.
Selected candidates will be required to bring attested Xerox copy of documents along with original documents for verification
Below are the documents to be produced at the time of verification.
1. Caste certificate for Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Class (OBC (NC)).
2. Non-creamy layer (NC) certificate must for OBC (NC) candidates for the year 2022-2023.
3. Xth Std. Marksheet / Passing Certificate.
4. XIIth Std. Marksheet / Passing Certificate.
5. Degree certificate (under the 10+2+3 OR 10+2+4 OR 10+2+2+1 year bridge course pattern of study OR any other pattern fulfilling the
mandatory requirements of 15 years formal education)
6. Work experience certificate.
7. Kashmiri migrant certificate.
8. Disability certificates for persons with disability (PWD) candidates.
9. Name Change Certificate, if applicable.
Distribution of Credit Hours:
The total credit hours for the Executive Postgraduate Diploma Programme will be 44 as detailed below:
Semesterwise Courses:
he course follows a modular scheme. The entire curriculum will be covered in eight modules.
Module |
Subjects Covered |
Credits |
1 |
FC 1: Foundation Course: Understanding Socio-Economic & Political Environment of Business |
1 |
HRM1: Management of Human Resources |
2 | |
HRM2: Sociology of Organisations, Theory and Design |
2 | |
2 |
HRM3: Organisational Behaviour |
2 |
HRM4: Business Research & Statistical Techniques |
2 | |
3 |
HRM5: Business Communication |
1 |
HRM6: Industrial Relations |
2 | |
HRM7: Employment Law I |
2 | |
4 |
HRM8: Labour Economics |
2 |
HRM9: Employment Law II |
2 | |
Field work I: ( 5 Weeks) |
6 | |
5 |
HRM10: Human Resource Planning, Employee Resourcing & Competency Based Management |
2 |
HRM11: Performance Management |
2 | |
Assessment Centre |
- | |
6 |
HRM12: Learning and Development | 2 |
HRM13: Reward Management | 2 | |
7 |
HRM14: Employee Welfare and Benefits Administration | 2 |
HRM15: Organisational Development and Change |
2 | |
HRM16: Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills | 1 | |
8 |
HRM17: Employee Counselling | 2 |
HRM18: Business Strategy and Strategic Human Resources Management | 2 | |
HRM19: Analytics for Human Resource Professionals |
1 | |
Field Work II: NGO Visit | 2 | |
HRM 1: Management of Human Resources
Concept, Scope, Evolution of HRM, Theoretical perspectives/approaches to HRM, Role of HRM in strategy, Environment of HRM, Internal and external forces/factors afecting HR function, Human resource planning–Business and HRP, The process, its link with strategic planning and SHRM, Signiicance of HRP in the changing environment, Job analysis, Job Description, Job Speciication, Job Competence Assessment; Job Design: Approaches and Methods; Recruitment and Selection- sources of recruitment, Process of selection, methods/testing instruments, innovations in selection; Placement and Induction, Job Design: Approaches and Methods; Career management-Designing and developing career management system in organisation; Job Evaluation – Methods of Job Evaluation, Evolving Job Evaluation Programme; Human resource Evaluation- Rationale for HR evaluation, methods and approaches of HR Evaluation; Case studies in HRM.
HRM 2: Sociology of Organisations, Theory and Design
The division of labour and the concept of organisation, The rise of bureaucracy and the notion of rationality, scientiic management; Fordism, the human relations school and theory z, Classiication of organisations; Social exchange theory, Organisation theory: Population-Ecology model, Resource-Dependence model, Rational contingency model,Transaction cost model, Institutional model; Organisational Design: Structural Forms: Internal Design Elements. Contemporary Trends of Organisational Design, Organisational Decision Making Models; Assessing the External Environment; Boundary Spanning, Challenges of Organisational Design & Inter-organisational Relationships; Organisation Architecture and the business performance.
HRM 3: Organisational behaviour
Introduction Organisational Behaviour, Meaning of behaviour and behavioural models, Scope and processes; Understanding Individual Diferences: The Self Concept: self-esteem, self eicacy, self monitoring etc.; Personality and Personal efectiveness; Perceptual Processes, Attribution Process, Emotion; Theories of Motivation; Leadership and Team behaviour; Organisational communication; Managing conlict; Cultivating organisational culture.
HRM 4: Business Research & Statistical Techniques
Need for evidence-based management; science and the scientiic approach; problems, hypotheses; and variables; reviewing the literature (how to read a journal article); writing a literature review; survey research, correlation and regression; sampling and data collection; statistics and SPSS; experimental research and ANOVA; case study research; grounded theory, ethnography, content analysis, and action research.
HRM 5: Business Communication
Face to face Communication:The Art of Self Talk, Mastering process of internal conversation, Communicating under stress. Communication in organisation: How to develop a communication strategy. How to hold successful business meetings. Mastering the written communication. Strategies for successful Public Speaking and Efective listening: Strategies for overcoming stage frights and enjoy the process.
HRM 6: Industrial Relations
A conceptual framework for Industrial Relations systems, Evolution of Industrial Relations in India and contemporary issues in industrial relations, Trade unionism-issues and current trends, labour legislations and management of industrial conlicts, Collective bargaining for productivity improvement Strategies for building employee engagement and implementing workplace innovations through six sigma and quality circles.
HRM 7: Employment Law I
Foundations of law: General idea of jurisprudence; ILO Conventions and Indian labour laws; Classiication of labour legislations; Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act; Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Settlements and case laws/ studies including productivity settlements: Machinery under the act, Retrenchment, lay of and closure, Sec 17B (appeal before higher courts) and Sec 33; The Trade Union Act, 1926
HRM 8: Labour Economics
Modelof Labour Market, agents in a labour market, Scope; Labour supply: Measuring Labour Force, Labour Supply Curve, Non Market sector; Labour demand: Technology and Demand for Labour, Production Function, Productivity; Labour Market Equilibrium: Market structure and wage determination, Minimum Wages, Monopoly and Monopsony; Human Capital: Education and earning Wage and Schooling, Return to Schooling, On the Job Training, Investment in Skills, Labour Mobility; Labour Market Discrimination: Forms of Discrimination, Measures of Discriminations, Race, Caste and Gender; Economics of Trade Union: Unions, Strikes, Union Wage Effects; Economics of HR Processes: Hiring Standards, Screening, Signalling, Turnover, Retention Strategies, Bidding for employees, Job Design, Performance Evaluation & Reward, Employment Relationship, Tournaments, Eiciency Wages; Applying Economic Logic in HR: The logic of beneits and costs –Absenteeism, Employee Turnover, Health and wellness, Employee engagement, Staing utility, Value of job performance, Training programmes; Overview of Indian Labour Market.
HRM 9: Employment Law II
The Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act, 1970: Discussions through case laws and situations on Sec10, Important elements of a contract; Payment of Bonus Act; Factories Act, 1948; Shops and Establishments Act; Workmen Compensation Act 1923; ESI Act, 1948; Payment of Gratuity Act
HRM 10: Human Resource Planning, Employee Resourcing & Competency Based Management
HR Planning: Productivity Management, Quantitative determination of Human Resource requirements : Work Study, Strategic Planning and Human Resource Planning, Human Resource Planning in Changing Context, Qualitative determination of human resource requirements: Job Analysis, Human Resource Demand Forecasting, Human Resource Supply Estimates, Action Plans – Separation, Action Plans – Retention, Training, Redeployment & Staffing; Employee Resourcing: Employee resource pools and approaches to build access to current and future needs. Understanding Talent surpluses/shortages. Developing alternate Resourcing approaches, evaluating and choosing the appropriate ones. Understanding effectiveness and efficiencies of various tools/techniques/ processes to attract potential talent. Various recruitment and selection methods including use of Psychometric, Assessment Centre, Internet-based, etc. Understanding resourcing approaches for mix of entry level and lateral hiring choices. Competency Based Management: Concept of Competency. Developing a Model. Generic / Specific Models. Competency Based Applications: Recruitment & Selection, Promotion, Performance Management, Succession Planning, Development & Career Pathing, Compensation, Integrated HRIS
HRM 11: Performance Management
Performance Management: Philosophy, Conceptual Framework, Diferent Approaches To Performance Management, Significance of Performance Management In the Fast Changing Environment. Performance management and development process Planning, monitoring, reviewing, mentoring and manage development. Operationalising change through performance. Performance Management System And Its Linkages With Other Systems: Reward driven integration, development driven integration, goal setting and monitoring. Designing Performance Management Systems : Challenges and obstacles to performance management, building performance oriented culture, designing, implementing a performance management strategy; factors influencing the use of performance management (External and Internal). Approaches to Performance Measures: performance appraisal methods, Measures of performance by behaviour, by result and by process. Developments in performance management systems: Team based performance, Multi -Source and 360 degree feedback, competency based appraisals, balanced scorecard – concept and application, Performance Management Initiatives: Cases on Performance Management.
HRM 12: Learning and Development
Psychology of learning and learner motivation, contemporary principles, styles and strategies of learning and learning process and its application for training. Training process: Identiication of Strategic Training needs, development of speciic training objectives, instructional design and Instructional System Design (ISD Model), Development and delivery of training: Traditional Training Methods (Lectures and Demonstrations ,Games and Simulations ,On-the-Job Training) , Choosing a Training Method. Technology Based Training Methods : Computer Based Training, Efective Online Learning. Executive Coaching and Mentoring; Evaluation of Training, Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation; ROI on Training
HRM 13: Reward Management
Introduction to Pay Model; Strategy and compensation; Internal alignment; Job analysis; Job evaluation; Person-based structures; Competitiveness; Designing pay levels & pay mix; Pay for performance; Equity based compensation systems; International pay systems; Government & legal issues in compensation; Management of compensation systems
HRM 14: Employee Welfare and Beneits Administration
Meaning of decent work and its need at the present juncture; Four pillars of decent work: employment, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue, Safety at work: factory and office, Economics of safety, Legal protection and its effectiveness, Occupational safety and health; Waste generation and impact on environment; Problems of e waste ; Importance of wellness and health; Industrial disasters.
HRM 15: Organisational Development and Change
Deining the concept OD, historical perspectives of OD, OD Values, External environment and OD; Systems framework and Organisations; Theoretical developments in the area of action research, Survey feedback and socio-technical systems; Appreciative Inquiry; Organisational diagnosis; Human processual, techno structural, human resource and strategic interventions; Technological uncertainty and interdependence and OD interventions; Models of change , change management; Changing ontology of leadership, Leadership and Change. Becoming a change agent/competencies for an OD consultant; Measuring efectiveness of OD interventions, Unresolvedissuesandcurrentdevelopmentsinthe ODiled. ODand Organisational Capability.
HRM 16: Conlict Management and Negotiation Skills
Conlict Management: Introduction, Developing the Learning Agenda, Conlict Cycle, Interpersonal conlicts, Conlict Management preference styles, Conlict Management- Case Analysis, Developing listening skills.
Negotiation Skills: Introduction to Negotiations as a Decision Making Process, Theoretical and Behavioural framework of Negotiations: Need Theory: Gerald Nierenber- The Art of Negotiation Walton & Mckersie’s- Four Analytical Approaches Negotiate Anything- Herb Cohen Balance Theory of Attitude Change- Heider, The process of Negotiations, Negotiations Strategy and skills.
HRM 17: Employee Counselling
Meaning of counselling. Need for counselling in the work place. Goals of counselling, immediate, long term. Types of counselling: crisis counselling, facilitative counselling, preventive counselling and development counselling. Theoretical consideration. Methods of counselling – directive, non-directive. Counselling process problem identiication, strategies and skills. Counsellor-counsellee relationship. Content of counselling preparation, intake, procedure, rapport, termination of interview. Counselling environment. Speciics of counselling – observation, listening, non-verbal behaviour, communication, questioning, silence, transference. Speciiccounsellingproblems, jobrelatedandpersonal, individual, family.Treatmentoftheseproblemsthrough counselling. Follow-up, post-appraisal counselling. Counselling for retirement. Case studies.
HRM 18: Business Strategy and Strategic Human Resources Management
What is Strategy? What is not Strategy? Strategy – Market Based View, Understanding Industry and Industry Structure Strategy – as plan and deliberate action Strategy – Resource Based View, Strategy – Capability Based View, Core Competence, Strategy as process and organisational design, Human Resource Management as strategic process – talent sourcing and retention, Managing Innovation, Introduction to Balance Score Card and designing HR Score Card.
HRP 19: Analytics for Human Resource Professionals
Identifying key HR variables for data analysis, use of MS-excel and SPSS to generate reports and dashboards, use of descriptive statistics for HR decisions, learning and applying multivariate data analysis techniques such as multiple regression analysis, logistic regression, factor analysis, cluster analysis for HR decisions like retention, compensation and training.
Fee Structure:
Installment | ||||
Fess | I | II | III | IV |
Tution Fee | 1,00,000 | 1,00,000 | 1,00,000 | 1,00,000 |
Examnination | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
IT Charges | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 |
Library Charges | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
Other Charges (ID Card, Covocation ,Misc. | 2500 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Development Fund | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 |
Alumni Fund | 500 | |||
Caution Deposit | 5000 | |||
Total Course Fee | 1,14,000 | 1,07,000 | 1,06,500 | 1,06,500 |
Grand Total 4,34,000 |
Please Note: The Fee should be deposited through online SMS portal on or before the due date.
2. Late payment of installments will be charges with fine as per rules.